04 September 2008

go forth and make the revolution happen

Spread the word of the revolution, but here are the guidelines:
  • No permanent markings/vandalism (use something temporary or washable like chalk)
  • No personal attacks or threats
  • Nothing incongruous with the goals of the movement (this one's obvious)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you've put a lot of effort into this. A noble attempt that looks doomed to failure in Lincoln, NE!

Tobias Davis said...

Chalk marking anywhere on UNL property except in the Union area (the fountain area) is prohibited.

AnarchyQueer said...

Well shit, even chalking in the plaza is prohibited unless you go through all the bureaucratic bullshit to do it.
What is the point in making a social protest if you're going to follow the rules?

Besides, it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.